About the Winery

The Team

With a penchant for constant learning and growth, Jason has a history of business
development and an insatiable desire and commitment to transform things from what
they are what they can be. Requiring lots of work, but ultimately bringing out the
best in many endeavors.

With the Vineyard & Farm, Traci has continued to learn about viticulture, and is committed to becoming well versed in Regenerative Viticulture and Agriculture.

Tapestry is a passion project for both to reinvigorate the vineyard and farm property and offer fun, exploration, and learning opportunities for the local community.Sales Director 

Henry Kwok

Born and raised on the border between Sonoma and Napa Counties in Northern California, Henry entered the wine industry early and was selling wine by the time he was 21 for multiple labels. He studied viticulture and oenology at Santa Rosa Junior College under the instruction of winemakers Kevin Sea of Stag's Leap Winery, and Jeff McBride of Kenwood Vineyards. After almost a decade of experience in the industry, Henry has joined the team at Tapestry Vineyards to assist and educate our community on our unique agricultural practices, diverse winemaking style, and the story behind Tapestry Vineyards.

Head of Security

Samson of Cambridge

Samson ensures everyone is in their place and the perimeter is constantly protected. While he might look intimidating and bark a welcome, he is the biggest love you've ever met. Provided you don't mind a little slobber and a lot of dog hair, he'll be your best friend.